There are numerous examples throughout scripture of the same taking place. The scope of prophetic ministry does not just cover the future and the present, as we have seen it can cover the past as well. Those who walk in some level of prophetic discernment can at times reveal future events, present circumstances, or past actions.
The Prophecy Series: The Scope of Prophecy
For many, the gift of prophecy implies a certain foretelling of future events. The assumption then is that that the function of prophecy carries a predilection for the future, and, if the aforementioned is true, then the measurement of efficacy is accuracy. This is not so far removed from the scope of prophecy as to be false, but it is a truncation of the gift.
Prophecy: Looking at the New Testament
The Distinction Between Old and New Testament Prophecy
As we understand the paradigm shift from gift-based to presence-based, we can begin to put into place some common misunderstandings of prophecy. In a gift based dynamic we will tend to look at the most excellently gifted to understand the function of prophetic ministry. Hence the focus upon Old Testament prophets and their function. But within the scope of prophetic ministry there will few called to speak into national and international situations. The call as a prophet to the nations is the exception and not the rule.
The Prophecy Series: Gift-Based Versus Presence-Based
The Prophecy Series: The Jesus Method
When we look at how Jesus modeled the movement of the Holy Spirit we find some striking contrasts with our present paradigm. Jesus never once concerned himself with what particular gift he was operating. He simply went about the business of healing, setting free, and prophesying. No one miraculous encounter with Jesus saw less than three manifestations of the Spirit
The Prophecy Series: The Coming Shift
When it comes to any semblance of understanding God, His plan, or his purpose for your life, we must begin by acknowledging all that we do not know. The place we most often begin when it comes to our attempt to understand how to live, move, and have our being in God (Acts 17:28) tend to be what we know, rather than what we do not know.
The Prophecy Series - Have the Gifts Ceased? Part 2
According to objection 3, the gifts were integral to demonstrate the power of the Spirit through the early church, but is no longer necessary for today because the church has been established. Once the church was established, the miraculous working of the Holy Spirit present in individuals was not necessary for continued church growth. The strategy of God changed. This wouldn’t mean that the ability of God to heal had ceased, but the metering out of a gift through individuals ceased.
The Prophecy Series - Have the Gifts Ceased? Part 1
Anyone who is attempting to grow in their understanding of the movement of the Holy Spirit in re-creating mankind will run into those who have a very different view of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. A deep dive into this issue is not at the heart of this series, but an overview of some of the common arguments will be helpful and appropriate.
The Prophecy Series: Hearing and Listening Part 2
The gospel is not responded to in the head, it is responded to in the heart. It is not mental assent to a particular set of ideas (though that is an aspect of Christianity), rather, it is a life-changing encounter with the Spirit of the living God. If Christianity was primarily about engaging with a particular set of doctrinal beliefs, it would have been said that Christ dwells in the mind. But it does not.
The Prophecy Series: Hearing and Listening Part 1
Striking down division and bringing healing
As with many of you, I have been reeling in the face of the US news cycles these last few days. The violence is maddening, the anger and hatred are heart-breaking. As a leader today it can be difficult to even know what to say that won’t be perceived by someone as bitter and divisive. But speak we must.
The Prophecy Series: All Can Hear, All Can Prophesy…
The Prophesy Series: When the Spirit Came, They Prophesied...
The Prophecy Series: The Manifestation of the Spirit
Transformation: The Healing Presence
What if, in all this talk about transformation, the whole point was not about making you more whole or healing past hurts, but preparing you to bring healing to others? As your heart begins to soften to the heart of the Father and you begin to look like him, you are drawn into the radical responsibility of embodying the heart of the Father to His creation.
Transformation: The 8 Characteristics of a Heavenly Life
Looking all the way back at the beginning of this series we said that when Isaiah caught a vision of the beauty of God it ushered him into a transformative journey. However, the place of undone-ness is not where Isaiah stays. He moves through catching the sight of the beauty of God (I saw the Lord), coming to grips with what his lack (I am a man of unclean lips), into brokenness (being undone), but that is not where he stays.
Transformation: The Other Side of Brokenness
Transformation: Brokenness
Jesus said something profound about the character and nature of God when he called Matthew to follow him. As he was sitting in the tax collector’s house, many people came to him. As the Pharisees watched this they questioned his willingness to meet with the lowest of the low. After all, if he was a great man, shouldn’t he only consort with great men?
Three Free Devotionals
No better place exists for being impacted by the heart of God than through Scripture. These PDF devotionals are intended to drive you deep into the heart of the Father. They are to be read slowly and deliberately, with the goal being a touch from God. Contemplative reading is not accomplishing something, but encountering eternal truth.