
Transformation: The 8 Characteristics of a Heavenly Life

Transformation: The 8 Characteristics of a Heavenly Life

Looking all the way back at the beginning of this series we said that when Isaiah caught a vision of the beauty of God it ushered him into a transformative journey. However, the place of undone-ness is not where Isaiah stays. He moves through catching the sight of the beauty of God (I saw the Lord), coming to grips with what his lack (I am a man of unclean lips), into brokenness (being undone), but that is not where he stays.

Transformation: The Undoing

Transformation: The Undoing

Once, three brothers caught a vision of God and dedicate their lives to serving Him. The first brother left for the city and dedicated his life to counsel people with broken relationships. He desired to take the words of Christ to be a peacemaker seriously. The second brother found many sick in the city and dedicated his life to caring for them. The third brother forsook everything and left for the desert to seek God in silence and solitude.
