“Many people living secluded lives on the mountain have perished by living like people in the world. It is better to live in a crowd and want to live a solitary life than to live a solitary life but all the time be longing for company.”
Amma Olympias was a “...partner of the divine Word, a consort of every true humility, a companion and servant of the holy, catholic and apostolic Church of God.”
“By an invincible patience he bore all afflictions and rebukes without a word of complaint; he sincerely looked upon himself as the outcast of the world; and he spoke to all with the most engaging sweetness and charity.”
“I have looked so closely into my heart that I cannot find there any single good action. I know my sins and they are more than the sand upon the sea-shore."
“The marriage which men contract is a perishable thing, but let us choose for ourselves the marriage which perishes not, and the marriage feast which never ends.”
“It is the wisdom of the saints to recognize the will of God. Indeed, in obeying the truth, man surpasses everything else, for he is the image and likeness of God.”
For an insult which is rendered externally reveals the character. This great pope remembered, that, by his station, he was the common father of the poor.
"In that choir of saints who shine like brilliant stars in the night of this world, we have seen the holy Paphnutius, like some great luminary, shining with the brightness of knowledge."