Intro to Prophecy

The Mark of Ministry

The Mark of Ministry

As we come into the realization that God is not some distant God, but that He is near, and that He longs to speak, we begin to make room to hear His voice. And to hear His voice is to be transformed, it is to sense the in-breaking of His presence into our everyday, mundane lives. To hear His voice is to acknowledge the nearness of His heart.

The Impact of the Voice of God (Part 1)

The Impact of the Voice of God (Part 1)

In the beginning, the very first action of God is recorded as Him speaking. The entirety of the creation story in Genesis 1 is laced with the voice of God. If you are to take the Genesis story at face value, you would have to come away with a belief that the Being who created all is one who speaks. And then, on the sixth day, God creates man and woman in His image. How does He do this? By speaking.

The Voice of God in History (Part 3)

The Voice of God in History (Part 3)

Teresa of Avila, a contemporary of John of the Cross, and the Doctor of Prayer in the Catholic church, wrote extensively on how to hear the voice of God, mainly by looking at the effect the inner hearing would have on the heart. She echoes the sentiment of John of the Cross, that it requires maturity to weigh the voice of God.

In her seminal work, Interior Castles, Teresa has the soul moving through seven stages of purification. It is not until the sixth stage that she even begins talking about hearing the voice of God. Why? Because peace and quiet must settle into the inner life before the voice of God can be easily discerned.

The labor of the spiritual life (service, silence, solitude, prayer, etc…) over time settles the heart into extended quietude. AS we discipline ourselves to approach God, we set our mind (the form of our being) upon Him. The result of this focus is that peace begins to reign in the inner life. (see our course series on Preparing Your Heart)

'You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You,
because he trusts in You.’ Isaiah 26:3

The Voice of God in History (Part 2)

The Voice of God in History (Part 2)

Experiencing the voice of God sweeps us up in the grand narrative of Christian history. When God speaks, he forms and shapes the inner substance of our lives. Scripture and the historical writings of church history bear this out.

Theologians, mystical authors, devotional writers all share this common theme, when God speaks our inner reality is defined. Amma Sarah (4th century) called man, “a little world in himself,” and said that his inner life, “…contains all the elements which go to complete the universe.” If our inner life is a universe, then when God speaks the planets and stars take shape. His voice clarifies the rough edges of our interior.

The Voice of God in History (Part 1)

The Voice of God in History (Part 1)

The Lord was addressing deep insecurities in my life. Each morning His quiet whisper would assure my unsteady heart. As I read and studied scripture, I found myself identifying with the moments of deep insecurity those men and women experienced. The quiet whisper of God to Elijah became my new normal.

There was no earth-shattering revelation.

No incredible visitation.

No supernatural prophecies or visions.

It was just my heart resonating with the tenderness of His heart.
