The Voice of God MP3 — Wind Ministries

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The Voice of God

The Voice of God


When God speaks things happen. From the first spoken words of creation to the last statement to be uttered in Revelations, the Spirit of God is integral to the speaking of God. In this teaching, Joshua Hoffert will unpack the nature of God speaking, what it accomplishes in our life, and how important it is to grow in Christ-likeness.


When God speaks things happen. From the first spoken words of creation to the last statement to be uttered in Revelations, the Spirit of God is integral to the speaking of God. More specifically what has God said about you? What is your unique makeup that God determined before he laid the foundation of the world?

Throughout the Bible God has formed people by what He said to them.  A few examples include:

You are my beloved son, in you I am well pleased. (Mark 1:11)
I have known you by name and you have found favor in my sight. (Exodus 33:12)
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I chose you and determined your destiny. (Jeremiah 1:5)
No man be able to stand before you all the days of your life: as I was with others before your, your spiritual fathers and mothers, so I will be with you: I will not fail you, nor forsake you.” (Joshua 1:5)
Do not be afraid, I am your shield and your exceeding great reward.” (Genesis 15:1)

In this teaching, Joshua Hoffert will unpack the nature of God speaking, what it accomplishes in our life, and how important it is to grow in Christ-likeness. The session ends with a soaking session of scripture to activate you to hear his voice.
