The Mystical Word
The Mystical Word
Scripture says that God has placed written his name on your heart and quickened your spirit with his spirit. Your spirit is united with his spirit. What does this mean to you practically?
The early church fathers used to say that as God birthed his son, the word, into this world, so he will birth his son, the word, into your heart. You were created to receive the word of God. Scripture says that God has placed written his name on your heart and quickened your spirit with his spirit. Your spirit is united with his spirit. What does this mean to you practically?
Jesus is the Word of God, but what does that mean. The term “word” has a historical context, but was radically redefined by Christian theology. Christ dwells in the heart through faith, that means that the Word of God is in your heart. What does it mean to have his word in your heart? This spiritual reality is far more mysterious than we have given it credit for.
His name, his spirit, and his word reside within you.
In this teaching downloadable teaching, Joshua Hoffert unpacks the reality of Christ as Word in scripture and in your heart. This is a two-part download that includes a question and answer session that followed the teaching. You will be enriched as you listen to the purpose of the word of God in your heart.