A few months ago, the Lord spoke to me. He said, “In seasons of preparation, serve well in obscurity.” The statement tickled my brain. I pondered what it meant to serve in obscurity. What did it mean to be obscure?
The human heart is a fickle thing, driven by relationships, disappointments, successes, failures, possessions, pride, ego, and money. We lack consistency and our responses to life’s upheavals change based upon our emotional wholeness.
The Lord has been challenging me lately to believe in myself. In Isaiah 45:3, God states that He will give His anointed one the hidden riches of the secret place...
To the Desert Fathers and Mothers fasting and weeping were not simply disciplines, but they were lifestyles that enabled them to embrace a deeper, more intimate union with the Spirit of God.
When external matters define you, you begin to sacrifice your humanity for something material. You are a not an Apple, Android, Honda, Ford, Mac, or PC person. You are you.
For most, practical wisdom is not found in systematic approaches. Sure, you can broadly group the sayings and writings into categories like the active and contemplative life, but who is the one being helped with those categories?
“When the longing for God comes…do not allow yourself to destroy it, but take the utmost care, so as to give it full opportunity to remain within you as long as possible." Theophan the Recluse
“Tears are like rain, and man is like a farmer; when they come, he who cultivates the earth of his heart must strive not to lose any of the rain but, rather, to collect all of it in his small garden and irrigate it.”
It is one thing to esteem those that you love. It is another thing to esteem those that you care about. It is still another thing to esteem other Christians. Yet it is quite another thing entirely to esteem others as greater than yourself.
"When patience is multiplied in our souls, it is a sign that we have secretly received the Grace of Divine consolation. The power of patience is more powerful than the joyful thoughts that descend into the heart."
“The mind is purified by spiritual knowledge (or by holy meditation and prayer), the spiritual passions of the soul by charity, and the irregular appetites by abstinence and penance."
The underlying principle behind God leaving difficult people in your life is this: If a difficult person in your life needed a touch from God, God would never be able to send them to you.