A little while back, as I was wrestling with what the Lord was calling us to do, He spoke this to me: “My expectation is that you would be you. I expect you to be the you I created you to be.”
On a recent trip I had been having a hard time connecting with the Lord. I felt overburdened and overtired. The schedule of the trip was strenuous and I had come into the trip already tired. As I sat down early one morning the Lord said to me, “Come to me and I will feed you.”
Sometime around the end of the summer, as the days were turning crisper, the leaves more golden, and the nights shortening, I found myself at a small Bible camp of faithful Christians. I had been invited to speak by friends and was anticipating the event.
The Lord has been challenging me lately to believe in myself. In Isaiah 45:3, God states that He will give His anointed one the hidden riches of the secret place...
“When the longing for God comes…do not allow yourself to destroy it, but take the utmost care, so as to give it full opportunity to remain within you as long as possible." Theophan the Recluse
It is one thing to esteem those that you love. It is another thing to esteem those that you care about. It is still another thing to esteem other Christians. Yet it is quite another thing entirely to esteem others as greater than yourself.
As I sat holding Savannah in the weeks after she was born, I began to hear the Lord whisper to me, “As you are with her, so I am with you.” This refrain echoed in my heart continually...
A number of years ago, I attended an acoustic show of a friend at a local café. At that time in my life I was just beginning to step out in faith regarding walking in prophetic revelation as a normal course of life.
Brokenness is incendiary. It has the potential to light you on fire for God. When you come to grips with the depths of who you are and offer those difficult dark places to God he ignites you for him.
God is funny isn’t he? It seems as though following Him is a constant test of adaptability. A good friend of mine sent me a reminder recently, “Remember the forgotten proverb: Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not be broken.” In my life that seems to prove true time and time again.
Throughout life, there are a number of significant decisions you will make that will take part in shaping your future. These moments have the potential to alter your entire trajectory.